Our Services
Bring in a fresh sample of your pool water for testing Let our POOL 360 water test give you a thorough analysis of your water conditions.
Offer you recommended treatment to get you up and running. First time visitors please provide the following information so we can get you in our system.
Contact Info - name, address, email
Length, width, depth of pool
shape and finish
Salt Chlorinator
Stihl Repair Shop
Small Engine, Chain and Small Tool Sharpening
Small engines, Chain and small tools Sharpening. Currently we are working only on Ace Hardware Products - Generac, EGO, Stihl, Craftsman, Toro and Troy Bilt Products. Effective 4/1/2023 a $40.00 deposit will be required a time of drop of on equipment. Deposit will be applied to services rendered. In addition any equipment left over 30 days will be come property of Ace Hardware . We sharpen Stihl Hedge Trimers and Garden Tools and Chains ( sorry no knives)
Screen Repairs
Repair on small or large screens.
MINIMUM $15.00
<32” $20.00
>32” 25.00
Average Door -$30.00
Please specify Black or Gray at time of drop off otherwise same color will be replaced on screen
Wood & Key Cutting
Car Keys and House Keys
Southport Ace Hardware has a licensed and screened team of service providers experienced in Small Engine Repair. We’re here to take the burden off of your shoulders and make sure it’s done professionally and affordably. Our work is backed by an attractive warranty. Contact us and find out how we can help you.
Delivery - Rates
Area Delivery Rates
Southport City Limits - $10
St. James/BSL - $20
Oak Island/Bolivia $30
Purchases $699.99 and Up Free
Grill Purchase over $399.99 Free with Ace Rewards Membership